Avega Agahozo

Ingobyi Y' Ubudaheranwa!

Toll Free: call 7494 for online counseling


Our Focuses


Legal education and representation

Evidence-based advocacy on the rights issues of women

Women`s participation in leadership

GBV prevention, detection, and response interventions

Care and support vulnerable children &youth: orphans, children living in child/youth-headed households, and teen mothers.

Livelihoods and Direct support: hardship allowances, nutrition, and education support, Health insurance, and VSLAs

Care and support to older persons: Institutional Care and Home-based care

Providing shelters for vulnerable families, including vulnerable widows of the genocide against the Tutsi

Playing a role in peacebuilding and security in the country, the region, and beyond.

Preservation of Memory of the genocide committed against the Tutsi

Unity, social cohesion, Restoring hope, tolerance, and dignity for the post-genocide Rwandan community

Nutrition Service

Malaria prevention and treatment Service

Non-Communicable Diseases Service

HIV/AIDS, STIs & SRHR (prevention, testing, and treatment) Service